it’s natural
1 – Form
Fill out the form and book your 2-hour first trial. Remember that you can also take advantage of the 50% tax reduction. No commitment on your part.
2 – 20 items to be aware of
Before starting your first trial, you will discuss with Florence and Lucile how to best evaluate your plan and your 2-hour trial. Below are the 20 main items:
1. Shower, bathtubs, sinks cleaned and disinfected
2. Mirrors cleaned
3. Trash emptied, basic tidying up
4. Cleaned and disinfected
5. Trash emptied
6. Outside cleaning of all high furniture surfaces
7. Cook top cleaned
8. Tableware, drainer and other items put away
9. Sinks cleaned and disinfected
10. Dishwasher, refrigerator and low furniture cleaned
/ Bedrooms
11. Dust removed from furniture
12. Beds made
13. Clothes put away
14. Toys and other items put away
/ Living rooms - lounges
15. Dust removed from furniture
16. Windows cleaned (inside, maximum height 3 stool-steps if windows open from the inside)
17. General tidying up
18. Laundry ironed
19. Vacuum-cleaning in all rooms
20. Floors cleaned in all rooms
When your 2-hour trial is over, you will be given a summary sheet with our timing recommendations and how to best optimize the well-being of your home.
Feel free to adjust it as you wish.
3 – No commitment but guaranteed!
Remember: we won’t hold you to a 10-year contract! Suspend your subscription at your convenience.
Of course we would like you to continue participating in our ecological cleaning adventure for as long as possible, but more important is that you stay with us because we provide a high quality service, we make your life easier and we participate in making your home into a clean and comfortable place to be.
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2-hour trial !